bsd v6


ifconfig_re0_ipv6="inet6 2a01:4f8:150:50a0::1:1 prefixlen 64"
ifconfig_re0_alias5="inet6 2a01:4f8:150:50a0::6 prefixlen 64"



[10343373.904223] do_IRQ: 4.143 No irq handler for vector
[10343413.924410] do_IRQ: 4.48 No irq handler for vector
[10351033.836361] do_IRQ: 6.64 No irq handler for vector
[10357154.185228] do_IRQ: 2.189 No irq handler for vector
[10371153.943372] do_IRQ: 6.126 No irq handler for vector
[10373053.796347] do_IRQ: 4.134 No irq handler for vector
[10389413.856217] do_IRQ: 0.207 No irq handler for vector
[10397573.776087] do_IRQ: 4.166 No irq handler for vector
[10404733.876265] do_IRQ: 4.144 No irq handler for vector
[10405714.076646] do_IRQ: 2.61 No irq handler for vector

uint8_t levels[1][14][16] = {

uint8_t levels[1][14][16] = {



(Terminator 3 Rise of the Machines 2003 BR 720p x264 QMax) 0493 - Terminator 3 Rise of the Machines 2003 BR 720p x264 QMax



blacklist {
name = "";
type = "A record reply";
reply {
2 = "Sample";
3 = "IRC Drone";
5 = "Bottler";
6 = "Unknown spambot or drone";
7 = "DDOS Drone";
8 = "SOCKS Proxy";

Wahlversprechen, reimt sich nicht umsonst auf Gebrechen.
Verbrechen an der Wählerschaft,
verpuffen bisher ungestraft.
Vergessen bis zur nächsten Wahl,
ach wen kümmert denn das all?
Doch konsequenter wäre es,
Politiker daran zu messen,



Dear Dr. [Mein echter name], // vermutlich von uni-mitarbeiter internetseite genommen, bin aber kein Dr.
For that reason I turn to you because I want to report a crime series, which happened and happening in these days also in the physics Nobel Committee and the whole physics community.
Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov in 2006 created their first graphene. For 10 years hasn't been application area of the graphene.
According to the justification of the Nobel Committee in 2010, the graphene transistors are predicted to be substantially faster than today's silicon transistors and result in more efficient computers.
The silicon is a semiconductor material. It is therefore suitable for making transistors. Therefore the graphene transistor is fully a nonsense imagining because the graphene is not a semiconductor, it is a very good electrical conductor. In regard of the last 10 years Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov received their Nobel Prizes and 10 million Swedish Korona for the NOTHING.
According to the justification of the Nobel Committee in 2015, Takaaki Kajita and Arthur B. McDonald received their Nobel Prizes for the discovery of neutrino oscillations, which shows that neutrinos have mass.
The Nobel Committee donated again Nobel Prizes and 8 million Swedish Korona for the NOTHING, since yet always is unknown the numerical worth of the frequency, impulse, kinetic energy and therefore the mass of the neutrinos. Without the numerical worth of the frequency hasn't proved that the neutrinos have oscillation and mass. According to a theory of the modern physics pseudo-science, in one light-year thick layer of lead is absorbed only half of the neutrinos, then how is it possible to detect neutrinos and the oscillation of the neutrino? Since Takaaki Kajita and Arthur B. McDonald haven't one light-year thick layer of lead in their laboratories, therefore the discovery of the neutrino oscillations is only a scam! The neutrino is only an invented particle, which comes from the one wrong theory of the modern physics pseudo-science.
The Hungarian physicist demonstrated that the modern physics is a full pseudo-science in hundred percent degree and he described with eight digit accuracy the electromagnetic physics of photons, X-ray-photons, gamma-photons, muons, electrons and all atoms, thus solving all the problems in particle and nuclear physics. He also gave a new interpretation for the full spectrum of the hydrogen and described the strengthening points of all photons in the hydrogen atom.



# deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.1a _Squeeze_ - Official i386 NETINST Binary-1 20110320-15:03]/ squeeze main
#deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.1a _Squeeze_ - Official i386 NETINST Binary-1 20110320-15:03]/ squeeze main
deb wheezy main non-free contrib
deb-src wheezy main non-free contrib
#deb squeeze main non-free contrib