# Musiclog - Post current / next song titles of some radio stations # to a particular IRC Channel. # Copyright (C) 2014 ManiacTwister < twister@s7t.de > # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . package require http package require json package require tdom set lastsong_886 "" set lastsong_oe3 "" set lastsong_wdr2 "" set lastsong_gotv "" set standalone false proc sleep {N} { after [expr {int($N * 1000)}] } # Enable timer proc enable {} { global standalone if {!$standalone} { timer 1 run } else { sleep 5 run } } # Execution loop proc run {} { 886check oe3check wdr2check gotvcheck enable } proc 886check {} { global lastsong_886 set url [http::geturl http://www.radio886.at/cache/r886_joa.js] if {[http::status $url] == "ok"} { set data [string map {"window.r886_joa = " ""} [http::data $url]] set dict [json::json2dict $data] if {[dict exists $dict "next"]} { set next [saveGet $dict "next"] set currentsong [string trim [saveGet $next "titel"]] set interpret [string trim [saveGet $next "interpret"]] set start [saveGet $next "sec"] if { $lastsong_886 != $currentsong } { set lastsong_886 $currentsong postSong "\0030888.6\00300" $currentsong $interpret $start } } } else { return 1 } http::cleanup $url } proc oe3check {} { global lastsong_oe3 set url [http::geturl http://ms01.oe3.fm/oe3metafiles/RMX/RMWEB.PHP?Res=200&Format=json] if {[http::status $url] == "ok"} { #set data [string map {"\}]\})" "\}]\}"} [string map {"onair(" ""} [http::data $url]]] set data [http::data $url] set dict [json::json2dict $data] if {[dict exists $dict "SPIELLISTENELEMENT"]} { #set elements [dict get $dict "SPIELLISTENELEMENT"] #set song [lindex $elements end] foreach {songl} [saveGet $dict "SPIELLISTENELEMENT"] { if { [saveGet $songl "HINWEIS"] eq "ES FOLGT "} { set song $songl break } } set currentsong [string trim [saveGet $song "TITEL"]] set interpret [string trim [saveGet $song "INTERPRET"]] set start [saveGet $song "ZEIT"] if { $lastsong_oe3 != $currentsong } { set lastsong_oe3 $currentsong postSong "\00302OE3\00300" $currentsong $interpret $start } } } else { return 1 } http::cleanup $url } proc wdr2check {} { global lastsong_wdr2 set url [http::geturl http://www.wdr2.de/musik/playlist_neu100-akkordeon-playlist.html] if {[http::status $url] == "ok"} { #set data [string map {"\}]\})" "\}]\}"} [string map {"onair(" ""} [http::data $url]]] set data [http::data $url] set doc [ dom parse -html $data ] set root [$doc documentElement] set node [$root selectNodes {//p}] set interpret [string map {":" ""} [$node selectNodes {string(//strong)}]] set currentsong [string trim [[$node lastChild] asHTML]] if { $lastsong_wdr2 != $currentsong } { set lastsong_wdr2 $currentsong postSong "\00304WDR2\00300" $currentsong $interpret 0 } } else { return 1 } http::cleanup $url } proc gotvcheck {} { global lastsong_gotv set url [http::geturl http://www.gotv.at/titel_load_data.asp] if {[http::status $url] == "ok"} { set data [http::data $url] set lines [split $data "\n"] foreach line $lines { ## Split into fields on colons set fields [split $line ":"] ## Assign fields to variables and print some out... lassign $fields \ key val if {$key eq "Artist_Next"} { set interpret $val continue } if {$key eq "Title_Next"} { set currentsong $val continue } } if {[info exists currentsong] && [info exists interpret]} { if { $lastsong_gotv != $currentsong } { set lastsong_gotv $currentsong postSong "\00314go\00315TV\00300" $currentsong $interpret 0 } } } else { return 1 } http::cleanup $url } proc postSong {station title interpret start} { global standalone if {$standalone} { puts stdout "$station: $title - $interpret (Starts: ~$start)" } else { puthelp "PRIVMSG #musiclog :$station: $title - $interpret (Starts: ~$start)" } } proc saveGet { dict key } { if {[dict exists $dict $key]} { return [dict get $dict $key] } return "" } if {!$standalone} { putlog "Musiclog geladen!" } # Start first execution run