FHSTDICN Unrecognized command in CONFIG.SYS Bad command or parameters - $ Sector size too large in file $ Bad or missing $Command Interpreter Invalid country code or code page Error in COUNTRY command Insufficient memory for COUNTRY.SYS file Configuration too large for memory Too many block devices Invalid STACK parameters Incorrect order in CONFIG.SYS line $Error in CONFIG.SYS line $ONOFFStarting MS-DOS... Press any key to continue . . . $MS-DOS is bypassing your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files. $MS-DOS will prompt you to confirm each CONFIG.SYS command. MS-DOS 6 Startup Menu $ Enter a choice: $ F5=Bypass startup files F8=Confirm each CONFIG.SYS line [ ]$ [Y,N]?$YES$NO $Time remaining: $Enter correct name of Command Interpreter (eg, C:\COMMAND.COM) $Process AUTOEXEC.BAT [Y,N]?$WARNING! Logical drives past Z: exist and will be ignored $Wrong DBLSPACE.BIN version NO NAME FAT12 NO NAME FAT12 NO NAME