blacklist { name = ""; type = "A record reply"; reply { 2 = "Sample"; 3 = "IRC Drone"; 5 = "Bottler"; 6 = "Unknown spambot or drone"; 7 = "DDOS Drone"; 8 = "SOCKS Proxy"; 9 = "HTTP Proxy"; 10 = "ProxyChain"; 13 = "Brute force attackers"; 14 = "Open Wingate Proxy"; 15 = "Compromised router / gateway"; 17 = "Automatically determined botnet IPs (experimental)"; 255 = "Unknown"; }; address_family = ipv4, ipv6; ban_unknown = no; kline = "KLINE 360 *@%h :You have a host listed in the DroneBL. For more information, visit"; };